Archive for the ‘Journaling’ Category

He stands there firm and tall. He gives no name but offers help. Very kind but very firm. He teaches solitude and reserves his words. He walks with no fear and leads a simple life. His ambitions are high and listens to no critics.

Let us walk strong today and live a strong life. Let fear do its thing else where. Confidence in every step with a smile that screams optimum joy.

Those things that we get are meant to mold us and make us sharper for times to come. Those that intimidate the innocent will get their day to feel their fear. Let the universe do that, not us.

From across the way the book so intense, and not a moment has gone by that your eyes have not removed contact with the pages. What could it be? What kind of person are you? How is that book going to change your perspective? So many questions that I wish would be ok to speak about to random strangers in the world.

I walked past a handicapped guy and a nice lady who was struggling to pick him up. I felt so sad there for a minute as I saw his face. Sending a ton of blessing to him… Filling his soul with the excitement I have in mine. I feel the compassion overwhelm me when I gaze upon him. I am so blessed to be able to run and jump. Eat my food without help. Type now on this very keyboard. I tend to forget how lucky I am when things go wrong. But I love to catch myself when this happens. The chance for me to learn something new about myself and keep bettering as a person. I bet the only thing this gentleman can do now is read and watch TV. I truly am blessed to be here today and well. Please tell me how you are blessed in the comments below.

I feel my eyes, they need to be reading or writing every day in order for me to stay sane. By bettering myself as a person and relieving some karma. Books are the key to our past and future. Sharing the knowledge we learn is vital in our struggle to live as whole. Charlemagne made sure that europe had access to books so they could read and write by copying the texts. Without this venture, many of us would not have been blessed with many books we have today. However short his rule was, his intentions of educating the world have pressed further than he could have imagine. Being the first holy emperor crowned in 800. He sent out paladins to educate and protect the world so it could evolve. Many kings did not want education for fear of uprising.

Books being banished or burnt down the libraries throughout history has helped us forget a ton of history. Leaving us with limited knowledge of what really has happened in our world. We are very limited with what we are exposed to as americans. We have access to only 10% of the real internet. If you really want to get going to the rest of the world learn about ToR… and the deep web…

Start reading and writing everyday. Think of it like a book to look back on when you are 80. Seeing what your thoughts were back then and compare to what you have learned. Giving a person that much more to reflect on. Educate yourself before you no longer have access to things.

Go in Peace today!

The Need to Journal is bigger than you see.

While driving down the road I notice Burger King and thought, I used to like Burger King. Before I knew how to Google ingredients of that stuff. But never the less,  it was there for me at one point in my life that I was able to enjoy it.  So I wrote down I was Thankful for Burger King in my new gratitude journal.

Journal How Grateful you are

One of the best ways to be grateful is to record your thoughts in a journal.                   Example of a Journal

When we went inside Burger King. The manager, a younger guy was doing an inventory while his employee rushed around busy as could be. We stood there for a few minutes while the manager finished writing. He noticed us and came to take our order and that’s when we found out the plastic cups cost 25 cents now days. Gezzz…

After our order was placed, I had the feeling of discontent in the service that manager promoted. So I had my gratitude journal on me and starting writing about a time that I had great service and got to witness amazing leadership on a management team. Not even deal with my emotional attachment to how service should be or that I expect. I let it go and wrote in my journal the things I was currently enjoying.

Just a thought I do for better living. I have been doing daily is keeping a journal for a few years now. Quite the collection I have of knowledge. It takes the anger away from events I find difficult to handle. I have a few journals for different reasons and plan on sharing more information on my journals latter on.

Passing Down Knowledge

Most of all, priceless past downs to my family of the knowledge I received while I was here. I try to look at the perspective of the reader that my journals may one day have. I plan for my children to take what they need from them and start journals of their own. Each one of us can heal and be healed. The power seems to be in our own thoughts and keeping a healthy mindset

Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up with the little things in our lives that we forget all the good things. A gratitude journal helps to focus your thoughts on the what is good in your life.

Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up with the little things in our lives that we forget all the good things. A gratitude journal helps to focus your thoughts on the what is good in your life.

I remind myself that I am safe and highlight all the best parts to my day.

I even go over the blessings with the challenges I faced…. I don’t seem to repeat the same issue twice. Something is working with life and using a journal every day is one of the tools. Writing about the good in everything helps you see the good outweighing the bad. Depression seems no more when you highlight the positive out comings of the day.

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. — Melody Beattie

STOP destructive BEHAVIOUR

If you seriously want to start changing your life and not have the negative around anymore. You need to start a journal and Identify what brings you joy. Spotlighting the good you enjoy in your life and putting it down on paper will attract more of those good things!

Using my journal I have highlighted some of the things I admire about my father

Using my journal I have highlighted some of the things I admire about my father

I love cream cheese and had a chance to eat with a friend the other week. Right before bed I wrote in my journal and captured the name of the place and what I ordered. I listed the reason why I was there and remember a few things from the past that kept me alive. I am stronger and have proof of a joyous life. I really enjoy reading what I wrote and remembering that moment with all of its details.

So to get started get a journal right now that is special or simple. The choice is yours and for your joy alone. I like to have them all the same size and simple to carry around, 150 to 200 pages.  Click here to view some that are perfect for this exercise.

I hope some readers have taken to light journaling and would love to hear some tips or tricks that you might have to offer! Please give it a shot and start writing today about how great the day is!

Have to say…. this is really good taste of everyone’s daily grind. Quite interesting to read, I enjoyed the idea of having a blog that is more of a journal as a form of healing.
Thank you for sharing


So I planned on hiding this blog from everyone. Family, my boyfriend, friends I mean it was my councilor who encouraged me to even start a diary or blog. I decided to take the anonymous route to protect my identity and be able to write about ANYTHING. I told one person about this, my dead ex bf (aka sons dads) best friend. I didn’t even tell him my blog name or the site just that I was doing this.

My crazy boyfriend read the text and called me a liar and started acting like I was fucking cheating? Give me a break I made a blog that I didn’t want him to know about considering he will end up being close to one of the main characters other than myself.

He said “I guess you don’t need to talk to that guy anymore since you confide in him and not…

View original post 219 more words

Absolutely love this… I notice every day that we’re always chasing to pay our bills or pay the rent or pay for some vacation. Hardly ever do we take the time to sit down and love what we got, enjoy what have before our eyes.

A Funny comment from a blog about Masturbation & Meditation

I sincerely doubt that masturbation would diminish your senses( if we’re talking about pleasure). I’d actually say it increases it. Most girls will have there first orgasm through masturbation rather than through sex. You become more aware of what you like, and what you don’t through masturbation. The only situation I could see your pleasure senses being diminished is if you’re masturbating really, really hard -with a grip like a vise. Because then actual sex wouldn’t be as tight as your cobra grip.

You’ll only feel bad about it if you think you’re doing something wrong.

I like to think all forms of meditation work and love to keep a journal to keep track of the process I am doing. I have a 160 page journal that I like to use in volumes of my life. Each book gives me 3-4 months of writing and then its time to start a new one.

Do you see things when you meditate? Look for the signs and document how often you do meditate to keep track of your spirit. Get one here!


Do you have addictions? Ask A Monk can help you out…


I recently started using a journal to keep track of all the blessing I could find that I enjoy or have enjoyed once in my life.

While driving down the road I notice Burgerking and thought, I used to like Burgerking. Before I knew how to Google ingredients of that stuff. But never the less,  it was there for me at one point in my life that I was able to enjoy it.  So I wrote down I was Thankful for Burgerking.

When we went inside Burgerking and the manager, a younger guy was doing a inventory while his employee rushed around busy as could be. We stood there for a few minutes while the manager was doing his inventory right in front of us. He noticed us and came to take our order and that’s when we found out the plastic cups cost 25 cents now days. Gezzz…

After our order was placed, I had the feeling of discontent in the service that manager promoted. So I had my gratitude journal on me and starting writing about a time that I had great service and got to witness amazing leadership on a management team.
Not even deal with my emotional attachment to how service should be…

Just a thought I do for better living..