Heart Tribe Festival Transformation

Posted: July 1, 2015 in Self-Help, Self-Love
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I have to say that my time spent was filled with authentic people who had so many talents. To see so many hearts wide open with honest questions about my soul. Showing interest in my passions that I have been developing and offering insight to new and exciting things. My thoughts always seem to find a curious stance on each and every person I encountered. I wanted to know what makes you tick. How did that smile get some big and why do you love your passions. What are you thinking while we dance and do you know I appreciate you.

I appreciate you being authentic and real. Your actions and kind words are like nothing I have ever witnessed before. The joy you leaked infiltrated my soul on a profound level. Bringing a overwhelming joy that controlled my smile. It was all you and the happiness you expelled into the dome.

The joy seemed to fill the dome and reflect it all around. Making it feel crowded at times when you closed your eyes. Feeling each other as we danced our ways away. The feeling of acceptance you gave me forever will be. I never will see it fade as I will always look back upon that day. Ill think of how we played and wish we all could stay.

I wish I could keep everyone of you so close in my life. That would be one heck of a sight cause I did not see anyone fight. We saw the love and released the fears. Not a lot of us even drank many beers. A sober vacation for many of us. Drunk with love is where I found myself. Surrounded by Joy at every tent and unification flowing thru our blood.

I met many of you and love your character too. Your influence to me will be seen very soon. I can’t wait for you to see it bloom cause my ideas never go up in plumes.

So keep being you and expand on life. Be the light when darkness is found and be joyous when nobody’s around. Lets be real with yourself and know our true wealth. Your worth the weight in gold and from what I see you will never fold.

I want you to know I love each and everyone of you.

Until we meet in the meadow again 🙂

naturopathic Paladin

  1. Aaron says:

    love you too brother

    Liked by 1 person

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